Serving in Worship

There are many ways to serve during worship services. All ages and abilities are welcome to help lead worship. See below for all the possibilities!

  • Acolytes

    Acolytes assist in worship services by lighting candles, collecting the offering plates, and assisting with communion distribution. Anyone 4th grade and up can acolyte. The more acolytes, the merrier!  Training takes approximately 1-1 1/2 hours. 

    To sign up to acolyte, please email the Church Office.

  • Altar Guild

    The altar guild is responsible for ensuring that the altar area has the correct coverings on it for the current season of the church year. They are also responsible for the set up and cleanup of Holy Communion at each of the services. The altar guild also helps in decorating the worship area for the seasons of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Easter, etc.

    Time Commitment: To participate on this team a person needs to be willing to give 1-2 hours for the services he or she is assigned. Usually a person is assigned a service once every four to six weeks.

    For more information or to sign up for the Altar Guild, contact the church office to get in touch with Cathy Hanson

  • Assisting Ministers

    Assisting Ministers receive training to assist with the leading of our Sunday morning worship services. They lead parts of the liturgy and are asked to chant (sing) certain parts if they are comfortable doing so. Email Church Office if you wish to be an Assisting Minister. 

  • Communion Deacons

    Communion Deacons help distribute holy communion. On most Sundays, this means that they hold the trays that contain the small cups of wine and grape juice. Communion may be served differently at special services.

    To sign up for communion deacon, please email the Church Office

  • Greeters and Welcomers

    "Greeters" welcome people at the front door and distribute The Weekly, our announcement and prayer list. "Welcomers" hand out a Welcome Packet to visitors and answer their questions about our community after worship. 

    To sign up as a greeter/welcomer, please email the Church Office.

  • Music

    The music program at St. Luke is extensive. Director of Music, Gina Williams, leads the Senior Choir, Praise Band, and six handbell choirs. Beginner or expert? Whatever your skill level, there is a musical outlet for you at St. Luke.

    For more information about music program opportunities, visit the music page.

  • Readers

    Readers volunteer to read the scripture lessons during Sunday morning worship.

    Time Commitment: 15 minutes of prep time before the service to go over the readings and understand them. Readers usually serve once a month.

    To sign up as a reader, please click here

    For a helpful Biblical word pronunciation guide, click here

  • Tech Team

    A projector and sound board are used to enhance services and special occasions throughout the year. Worship is now also live streamed via our YouTube channel.

    Each member of the Tech Team is assigned to either one or two Sundays per month. Volunteers set up the projector, computer and sound board for the service. They also record the services.

    Training is one-on-one during a service as well as individual training outside of the service if needed. All equipment will be explained in full.

    To join the Tech Team Email Gina Williams 

  • Ushers

    Ushers are the backstage managers of Sunday morning worship. They hand out bulletins and large print bulletins as people enter the worship space, pass the plates during the offering, bring up the bread and wine before communion, and direct traffic flow during communion. Eight ushers are needed every Sunday, so volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Ushers serve at the 9:30am service and your availability is considered before you are scheduled.

    The training is minimal, and the job is easy, but important and valued.

    For more information, contact Ray Heller.